Mr. Putti's Background

Mr. Putti completed his master's in Orthopaedics at the University of Dundee and also completed his specialist orthopaedic training in Tayside. Following this, Mr. Putti completed the British Orthopaedic Association Transitional Upper Limb and Hand fellowship from the University Hospital of North Tees. He has been a consultant at Forth Valley Royal Hospital since 2013.

Mr. Putti has regularly published his research in Orthopaedic journals and frequently presents scientific papers at national and international meetings. Mr. Putti is also a faculty member on teaching courses at Dundee, and he has also been invited for guest lectures at various international conferences.

Dr. Putti's Specialties

Dr. Putti operates on the shoulder, elbow, hand, and wrist and frequently performs shoulder and finger joint replacements. The majority of the shoulder surgery he does is via Keyhole surgery. He also deals with conditions such as arthritis in the upper limb, Dupuytrens contracture, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, tennis and golfer's elbow, and rotator cuff tears.

Mr. Putti is very interested in all aspects of high-quality patient care. He is the lead clinician for the upper limb at Forth Valley Royal Hospital, where he introduced wide-awake anesthesia techniques that have consistently improved patient outcomes in hand surgery tremendously.

He loves to keep fit and enjoys cycling in the Scottish countryside.

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