What is Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair? 

Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair is a highly effective surgical option for those dealing with tears in the rotator cuff tendons, which play a vital role in shoulder movement and stability. This advanced, minimally invasive procedure uses an arthroscope—a small camera providing a clear view of the shoulder joint. Through tiny incisions, our expert surgeons can skillfully repair the torn tendons and reattach them to the bone. This approach helps relieve pain and significantly improves shoulder function, empowering you to get back to your daily activities and hobbies with greater ease and confidence. At Elanic Medical, we’re here to guide you every step of the way on your journey to recovery.

Signs & Symptoms  

If you're dealing with shoulder issues, you might experience some noticeable symptoms, such as:

  • Ongoing shoulder pain, particularly when you lift or reach for something.
  • Weakness in the shoulder that makes everyday tasks more challenging.
  • Reduced range of motion, which can make overhead activities difficult.
  • A clicking or popping feeling when you move your shoulder.
  • Discomfort that disrupts your sleep or interferes with your daily routine.

At Elanic Medical, we understand how these symptoms can impact your quality of life, and we're here to help you find the relief and recovery you need.

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What are the Benefits of Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair? 

Choosing arthroscopic rotator cuff repair can provide you with numerous advantages that significantly enhance your recovery experience:  

  • Minimally invasive procedure with smaller incisions, resulting in less trauma to surrounding tissues  
  • Faster recovery time compared to traditional open surgery, allowing you to return to your routine sooner  
  • Reduced post-operative pain and discomfort, making your healing process more manageable  
  • Accurate diagnosis and treatment of rotator cuff tears, ensuring targeted care  
  • Restoration of shoulder strength and function, enabling you to enjoy life without limitations  

Am I a Good Candidate for Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair?  

If you're dealing with persistent shoulder pain and weakness caused by a rotator cuff tear, arthroscopic rotator cuff repair could be the right solution for you. At Elanic Medical, we take a personalised approach, starting with a comprehensive assessment of your condition. Our goal is to ensure that this procedure is well-suited to your specific needs. Throughout the process, we prioritise your comfort and ensure you are well-informed, so you feel confident in your treatment plan from start to finish.

How it Works 

The arthroscopic rotator cuff repair procedure is performed under general anaesthesia to ensure you remain comfortable throughout. Our skilled surgeons will create small incisions around your shoulder, through which they insert an arthroscope and specialised instruments. These tools allow for precise repair of the torn tendons, carefully reattaching them to the bone. The procedure typically lasts between one to two hours. Afterward, you’ll be monitored in our recovery area to ensure you are stable and comfortable before being discharged to continue your recovery journey at home.

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Recovery and Results

After your arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, you can expect a structured recovery process. You will receive detailed post-operative instructions, including guidelines for rest, ice application, and gradual movement exercises. Physical therapy is essential to your recovery, helping restore strength and mobility to your shoulder. Many patients notice significant improvements within weeks, allowing them to return to their normal activities. We'll arrange regular check-ins to track your recovery and ensure everything is progressing smoothly as planned.

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Why Choose Elanic Medical for Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair?  

At Elanic Medical, we understand how important it is to feel confident and cared for throughout your rotator cuff repair journey. Our compassionate team of skilled surgeons is dedicated to using the most advanced arthroscopic techniques, ensuring that your treatment is both precise and effective. We take the time to truly listen to your concerns, tailoring our approach to meet your specific needs and prioritizing your well-being at every step. From your first consultation to your recovery, we’re here to provide unwavering support, helping you regain your mobility and enjoy an improved quality of life with confidence and peace of mind.

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