Gastric Band Benefits and Journey

At Elanic, our team is dedicated to providing patients with the best and most proven treatments available. This article serves as a detailed exploration of the gastric band, shedding light on its mechanics, benefits, suitability criteria, weight loss potential, and the recovery journey it entails.

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What is the Gastric Band?

The gastric band, medically referred to as the laparoscopic adjustable gastric band (LAGB) or simply the gastric band, is a minimally invasive surgical intervention designed to facilitate weight loss by limiting the capacity of the stomach. This procedure involves the placement of an adjustable silicone band around the upper portion of the stomach. By creating a smaller pouch, the band limits the amount of food that can pass into the stomach, leading to a major reduction in food intake and ultimately promoting weight loss.

The gastric band has emerged as a powerful tool in the realm of weight management, offering individuals a means to achieve sustainable and significant weight loss. By fostering portion control and controlling food intake, this procedure paves the way for a healthier and more fulfilling life.

What are the benefits of the Gastric Band?

The gastric band offers a spectrum of benefits that make it an attractive option for those seeking sustainable weight loss. One of the key advantages is its reversible nature, making it a preferred choice for individuals who are hesitant about permanent alterations to their digestive system. Additionally, the gastric band procedure is associated with shorter hospital stays, reduced risk of malnutrition, and minimal post-operative discomfort.

Who is a candidate for the Gastric Band?

The gastric band is typically recommended for patients who have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher or those with a BMI of 30-39.9 who also have significant obesity-related health conditions. Candidates should have a history of unsuccessful attempts at weight loss through conventional methods such as diet and exercise. A comprehensive assessment by a healthcare provider is essential to determine if the gastric band is suitable for an individual's specific circumstances.

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How does the Gastric Band work?

The gastric band operates on the principle of creating a feeling of fullness with smaller amounts of food. The adjustable silicone band is connected to a port that is placed beneath the skin during the surgical procedure. This port allows for adjustments to be made post-surgery. By inflating or deflating the band with saline solution, healthcare providers can regulate the band's tightness, influencing the rate of food passage and the sensation of fullness.

How much weight can be lost with the gastric band?

The extent of weight loss achievable with the gastric band varies among individuals and depends on factors such as adherence to dietary guidelines, engagement in physical activity, and individual metabolic response. On average, patients may expect to lose around 40-50% of their excess body weight within the first year after surgery. Consistent follow-up appointments are crucial for monitoring progress, making necessary adjustments, and ensuring optimal weight loss outcomes.

What is the recovery process like?

The gastric band procedure is typically conducted as outpatient surgery, allowing you to return home on the same day. It's essential to arrange for someone to collect you and stay with you for the rest of the day. Plan to take around a week off from work, and consult your nurse or surgeon about resuming exercise or vigorous activities after the procedure. Detailed aftercare instructions will be provided. Elanic ensures proper pain relief and offers a 24-hour helpline for post-surgery concerns. Following the surgery, you'll attend appointments with the dietician and band-fill nurse for ongoing care.

Are there any risks involved with the gastric band?

Like any surgical procedure, the gastric band carries potential risks. These can include infection, band slippage, erosion, or leakage. Some patients might experience discomfort, vomiting, or difficulty swallowing if the band is too tight. Regular follow-ups with healthcare providers are crucial to monitor and address any complications. It's important for candidates to thoroughly discuss risks, benefits, and individual health factors with a qualified medical professional before considering the gastric band as a weight loss option.

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Why choose Elanic?

Vivek Sivarajan, a distinguished Consultant Plastic Surgeon and Medical Director at the Elanic Group, is celebrated for his remarkable precision and methodical approach. With educational credentials from prestigious institutions like Edinburgh University and University College London Hospital, his extensive training and expertise culminate in exceptional results. His resolute commitment to attaining aesthetic excellence and ensuring patient satisfaction distinguishes him as a frontrunner in the industry. 

Reach out to our office today to schedule a consultation.

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