What is Haemorrhoidectomy?  

A haemorrhoidectomy is a surgical solution aimed at eliminating haemorrhoids—swollen, painful blood vessels located in the rectal or anal area. This procedure is generally recommended when non-invasive treatments, such as diet modification, lifestyle changes, or topical therapies, have not been successful in providing adequate relief. By surgically removing these problematic haemorrhoids, patients can experience a significant reduction in symptoms like discomfort, pain, and irritation, ultimately improving their quality of life. By surgically excising the haemorrhoids, patients often experience a significant reduction in symptoms like pain, itching, swelling, and discomfort. This procedure offers significant relief for individuals dealing with chronic or severe haemorrhoid symptoms, often leading to a substantial improvement in daily comfort and overall well-being.

Signs & Symptoms  

Haemorrhoids can present with a range of uncomfortable and sometimes alarming symptoms, making everyday activities difficult for those affected. Recognising these signs early can help in seeking appropriate treatment. Common symptoms of haemorrhoids include:

  • Painful bowel movements
  • Itching or irritation in the anal region
  • Bleeding during bowel movements
  • Swelling or a lump near the anus

What are the Benefits of Haemorrhoidectomy?

Haemorrhoidectomy offers numerous benefits for those suffering from persistent haemorrhoids, making it a highly effective treatment option. Key advantages include:

  • Significant relief from chronic pain and discomfort
  • Reduction in bleeding and irritation associated with haemorrhoids
  • Improved overall quality of life, allowing patients to return to daily activities with ease
  • Shorter recovery times, thanks to advancements in modern surgical techniques
  • Lower risk of haemorrhoid recurrence, providing long-term relief
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Am I a Good Candidate for Haemorrhoidectomy?

If you have been struggling with haemorrhoids and non-surgical treatments haven't provided relief, a haemorrhoidectomy could be the right solution for you. At Elanic Medical, we are committed to offering personalised care, starting with a thorough consultation to assess your condition and explore all available options. We understand that deciding to undergo surgery can be daunting, so our compassionate team is here to ensure you feel comfortable, well-informed, and fully supported at every step of your journey toward better health.

How It Works

At Elanic Medical, our experienced surgeons tailor haemorrhoidectomy procedures to meet your individual needs, using either local or general anaesthesia depending on what’s most appropriate for you. The surgery involves carefully making small incisions around the haemorrhoids to remove them effectively. Once excised, the incisions are either stitched or left to heal naturally, depending on the surgical technique used. Typically, the procedure takes around an hour to complete. Thanks to the minimally invasive approach, most patients can return home the same day, starting their recovery in the comfort of their own space. Our team ensures you receive attentive post-operative care, guiding you through a smooth recovery process.

Recovery and Results

After your haemorrhoidectomy, most patients can expect a structured recovery process. You will receive detailed post-operative instructions, which may include recommendations for rest, dietary adjustments to incorporate high-fiber foods, and hydration to prevent constipation. It’s essential to keep the surgical site clean and follow any specific wound care instructions provided by your surgeon.

Many patients begin to notice significant improvements within a few weeks, experiencing relief from symptoms such as pain and discomfort. While initial recovery may take a few weeks, complete healing can take several weeks to months. Our dedicated team will arrange follow-up appointments to closely track your healing progress, ensuring that everything is on course for a smooth recovery. We are here to support you as you transition back into your daily routine, aiming for a comfortable and swift return to normal activities.

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Why Choose Elanic Medical for Your Haemorrhoidectomy?  

Simply put, at Elanic Medical, we are dedicated to providing exceptional surgical expertise and a patient-centered approach that prioritises your comfort and peace of mind. Our state-of-the-art facilities, equipped with the latest technology, and our highly skilled surgical team ensure that you receive the highest standard of care at every stage of your treatment. From your initial consultation, where we take the time to understand your unique needs, to comprehensive post-operative support, we are here to make your experience as smooth and reassuring as possible. Your well-being is our top priority, and we are committed to delivering a seamless journey towards better health and relief.

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