Enjoy Your Ideal Silhouette with Breast Reconstruction

Implant-based breast reconstruction is considered by many to be the gold standard for breast reconstruction. While many patients are excited to learn that they have successfully beaten cancer, doing so can often come along with certain costs. In many cases, cancer treatment can involve the partial or total removal of one breasts, or both. The result can impact your bust in ways that are less than ideal, leaving you with breasts that are noticeably asymmetrical or creating a chest that no longer features the breasts that once formed such an important part of your personal, feminine identity.

Breast reconstruction can help you complete your journey to true wellness and often forms the final step in the process of truly beating breast cancer. At Elanic, you’ll be able to choose between silicone and saline breast implants and will have total control over the size, shape, and projection of your new breasts. You’ll be able to show off an alluring, feminine look that leaves you feeling complete and ensures that you get to enjoy your highest possible quality of life. When you’re ready to learn more, reach out to Elanic at our Glasgow location and speak with a helpful team member to set up your initial consultation.

The Benefits of Implant-Based Reconstruction

There are a number of methods by which a patient can reconstruct their breasts after breast cancer surgery. At Elanic, we’re excited to offer implant-based reconstruction, which is one of the most trusted and reliable methods by which the breasts can be reconstructed. Here are some of the reasons our patients love implant-based breast reconstruction:

  • Patients can choose between silicone and saline
  • This offers extra control over the feel and texture of your new breasts
  • You can choose the size, shape, and proportion that best suits you and your natural body silhouette
  • You can improve the size of one or both breasts
  • Your body confidence will be significantly enhanced

The Breast Reconstruction Procedure

Your Initial Consultation

Your surgical journey at Elanic Medical will begin with an informative consultation. You and your surgeon will get to know each other, and you’ll work together to explore the various aspects of your upcoming procedure. Your surgeon will explain the procedure to you in detail and give you a clear idea of what you can expect during your recovery period, as well.

The Procedure

Your breast reconstruction will be performed under general anesthesia, and will likely take between two and four hours to complete. Your surgeon will follow the surgical plan that you developed together, inserting implants to restore your bust according to the specifics of your treatment plan. Once the surgery is complete, you’ll be able to return home.

Resting and Recovering

After your surgery, you’ll spend two to three weeks resting and recovering at home. Many patients feel that they are able to resume light activities after about two weeks. You can expect all swelling to subside after about four to six weeks. Your surgeon will give you clear aftercare instructions and a detailed timeline before the date of your procedure.

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Schedule Your Appointment Today

If you’ve been considering breast reconstruction, Elanic Medical is here to help. This surgery often forms the final step in the journey to total recovery from breast cancer and can help you restore your look and sense of confidence in equal measure. To learn more about what breast reconstruction can do for you, reach out to Elanic Medical in Glasgow and speak with a helpful member of our team to set up your initial consultation today.

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