Creating a More Symmetrical Look

Breast asymmetry can be caused by any number of factors. While most women are born with a certain level of asymmetry between their two breasts, some women find that this asymmetry is more pronounced and are displeased with the look that results. Asymmetrical breasts can have a significant impact on your ability to feel confident in your appearance, which can take away from your overall quality of life—especially if this asymmetry wasn’t present before but has recently developed as a result of something like trauma, injury, or breast cancer treatment.

If this sounds like you, Elanic Medical is here to help. We offer breast symmetrising procedures that can restore your look, your self-confidence, and your overall quality of life in equal measure. Visiting our practice gives you the opportunity to work with a staff of highly trained, extensively experienced surgical specialists, each one of whom is committed to creating exemplary results that will truly delight you. If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help you, reach out to us at our Glasgow offices and schedule your initial consultation today.

Restoring Your Symmetrical Bust

When you visit Elanic Medical for your initial consultation, you’ll get to work with an expert surgeon who has extensive experience with breast symmetrisation. Together, you’ll explore your goals for this procedure, talk about the surgery in detail, and generally learn everything there is to know about your upcoming procedure. Your surgeon can also help you decide whether or not this is the right choice for you, or if a different option might create your ideal results. You’re likely to be a great candidate for breast symmetrisation if you:

  • Have had one of your breasts removed as a part of breast cancer treatment
  • Have recently lost a significant amount of weight, resulting in an asymmetrical look between your two breasts
  • Have undergone a lumpectomy or other surgical procedure that created an asymmetrical bust
  • Were simply born with asymmetrical breasts that you would like to correct
  • Have developed asymmetry resulting from trauma or injury
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Getting Started with Your Consultation

Your surgical journey at Elanic Medical will begin with a highly informative consultation. You and your surgeon will get the chance to learn about each other as you review your medical history and lifestyle. Your surgeon will help you understand all of the relevant details that apply to your upcoming procedure, explaining everything from procedure duration to incision placement and more. You’ll also get a clear idea of what you can expect once your surgery is over, including a detailed recovery timeline and clear aftercare instructions.

The Day of Your Procedure

No two patients are the same, and your breast symmetrisation procedure will be tailored to you, your lifestyle, and the goals that you have for your individual silhouette. In most cases, breast symmetrisation is performed to create a bust that is more proportionate and in line with the patient’s natural silhouette. Implant-based reconstruction, however, gives you the ability to increase or decrease the size and projection of your bust, if you feel so inclined.

Once your procedure is complete, you’ll spend a bit of time in our recovery area before returning home to start the recovery process. You’ll need a friend to drive you, as your anesthesia will be wearing off, and it is often recommended to have someone help you out around the house for the first few days. Most patients are able to resume light activities after a week or two, and your recovery should be complete after five to six weeks have passed.

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