1. I) the patient is under the care and supervision of his/her consultant physician or Surgeon (hereafter referred to as the “Consultant”). Elanic staff will provide care and treatment in accordance with the instructions of the Consultant, and in accordance With Elanic’s protocols. 
  2. II) The patient accepts that the Patient Care Co-ordinator is not a Consultant and as such any information that they may give is merely of general non-medical nature. The Patient should raise any queries at consultation with the Consultant. 

III) The patient agrees that Elanic will accept no responsibility for any advice given or diagnosis reached by the Consultant. This includes: for the surgery, or other treatment carried out, or for the consequences of that surgery or other treatment with regard of this or any other contractual relationship between the patient and Elanic. 

  1. IV) Elanic will provide a consultation with a Consultant who is registered with the General Medical Council, and who holds the relevant qualifications. Consultants are self-employed practitioners who are obliged to maintain full private Medical Indemnity Insurance. Consultants are not employees of Elanic.
  2. V) I am aware that if my care is being carried out by either Mr Vivek Sivarajan or Mrs CJ Sivarajan, that they are both company directors and owners of Elanic Ltd. 


  1. I) Elanic may audio record phone calls and consultations, which will form part of your medical record. Elanic is not responsible for equipment failure or poor quality recordings. 
  2. II) Elanic is obliged to provide suitable facilities and equipment to undertake the procedure. 

III) I accept in the unlikely event of a post-operative complication and I was treated at Elanic Clinic that I may need to be transferred to either an NHS or private hospital. The reason for transfer will be taken on Medical grounds. The Hospital choice will be at Elanic’s discretion I am aware that there may be additional fees should I be transferred to a private hospital. 


  1. I) The consent form is designed to ensure that the patient and surgeon are fully agreed as to the procedure that has been planned and that the patient fully understands the potential benefits, risk and complications. Patient information will be provided to ensure informed consent is obtained. 
  2. II) The patient will be asked to consent to any nursing input, x-rays, examinations, photography, laboratory procedures or any general medical treatment rendered to the patient. Any external costs involved will be charged in full to the patient and must be settled before the date of surgery. 

III) It is the responsibility of the Consultant to obtain the patient’s consent prior to surgery, to any medical or surgical treatment and to answer questions about the patient’s treatment. 

  1. IV) The patient agrees to provide a complete medical history that is honest and accurate. Withholding any medical information could be detrimental to his/her health and safety, and may result in the cancellation of the procedure. The patient must inform Elanic of any change in their medical history status that occurs during their treatment with Elanic. 
  2. V) Elanic reserve the right to contact a patient’s GP should it be necessary, in the opinion of the Consultant, with the consent of the patient. Should the patient withhold consent, the surgeon may feel unable to continue with the planned procedure. 
  3. VI) For those patients who require either sedation or general anaesthetic there will be a requirement for consent to be obtained separately by the Anaesthetist. 


  1. I) The age limit for surgical procedures and laser treatment is 18. 


  1. I) Cosmetic surgery is an elective surgical procedure and careful consideration needs to be given to the potential benefits and risks, before a patient makes a decision to proceed with surgery. Elanic recommend a period of 14 days following a consultation with a surgeon before undergoing surgery. However, an earlier surgery date may be agreed to accommodate patient’s needs, providing the surgeon is in agreement and a waiver is signed by the patient. However, Surgery cannot be carried out within 7 days of the consultation with the Consultant. 


  1. I) The responsibility for settlement of the charges levied by Elanic, which includes all professional and hospital fees, is and remains at all times the responsibility of the patient. Elanic require a minimum deposit of £500 to secure a surgery date and fix the price. Any quote issued at Consultation is only valid for the day of the consultation and prices may change after the consultation, if not fixed by paying a deposit. The balance must be paid no later than 5 weeks or 35 days prior to the date of surgery. 
  2. II) The full cost of the surgical procedure includes: a non-medical consultation with a Patient Care Co-ordinator, pre-operative consultations and assessments with a nurse and Consultant, all surgeon and anaesthetist fees, theatre/facility fees, all medication required during your procedure and in the immediate post operative healing phase, certain blood tests, in-patient stay where required and in agreement with your Surgeon and Facility, all post operative nurse appointments and dressings for 1 year after surgery. Surgeon review appointments related to the treatment.

III) The surgery price does not include additional costs from 3rd parties, e.g. letters required from other healthcare professionals, diagnostic test requested by your surgeon prior to surgery, scans and tests required pre or post operatively, specific blood and pathology tests and psychology assessments carried out in addition to Elanic’s standard protocols. 

  1. IV) There will be additional fees for non-standard costs incurred by the operating hospital, such as: telephone calls, guest meals, companion charges, additional medical supply items and additional overnight accommodation (including the use of ITU/HDU) and any other items not specified in the package cost. This payment is liable to the hospital provider directly. 
  2. V) Elanic does not provide credit facilities. Treatment will only be provided where satisfactory payment has been received. 
  3. VI) Elanic collaborates with Independent Finance Companies (IFC)who offer patients a range of loan options to finance medical treatments. This is a commercial agreement between the patient and the IFC. In the case of patients utilising this service, treatment will not be scheduled until confirmation of the loan has been advised to Elanic. In the event that the loan is cancelled or is not paid in full, the patient will remain liable for any amounts relating to treatments tests, diagnostics or pre-assessment activities that have already been carried out. 
  4. X) For patients opting for finance a cooling off period of 14 days applies, meaning that surgery cannot take place within 15 days of the approval of the loan. 


  1. I) If the patient books a date for surgery and then decides to reschedule that date, giving 29 days’ notice (or more), no fee is payable; if 28 days’ notice or less, an administration fee of £250 may be incurred.
  2. II) If the patient decides to cancel their date for surgery 28 days or less before their planed date of procedure after rescheduling, cancellation rules will apply against the original planned date of procedure.

III) Elanic reserve the right to alter the patient’s admission date in conjunction with the Consultant. Such changes will be avoided where possible unless they are due to circumstances beyond Elanic’s control, in which event the patient agrees that no consequential loss will be payable for such changes at short notice. 


  1. I) All monies paid are fully refundable if surgery is cancelled at least 29 days prior to the date of surgery. Thereafter, Elanic reserve the right to retain / charge the following sums if surgery is cancelled within the following time periods: 
  2. a) 28 – 15 days before surgery – 50% of the total cost of procedure outlined in this agreement: 
  3. b) 14 days or less before surgery – 100% of the total cost of procedure outlined in this agreement:
  4. c) Elanic reserve the right to cancel your procedure where a date of procedure is set and a deposit is paid where failure to pay the total costs detailed in this agreement 28 days or less before the date of procedure(s). Elanic reserve the right to retain / charge any sums of money paid in line with this agreement set out in section 7.1 due to final balance not being received within the time frame outlined in this agreement.
  5. d) Refunds of £500 or less are usually processed within 7 working days and amounts of greater than £500 within 28 working days. Refunds are processed via BACS transfer regardless of the method of payment to Elanic. We will issue you with an e-sign document for you to provide the bank account details that you wish for the refund to be processed via, the account holder should always be you the patient regardless of who has paid for the procedure if not you the patient.
  6. II) In the interest of patient safety, Elanic reserves the right to cancel or postpone a procedure. If the surgery is cancelled by Elanic, a full refund will be provided. 

III) In addition to the above cancellation policy, you will also be liable for the full cost of any associated tests that have been undertaken prior to surgery, including blood tests and scans. Elanic will not reimburse any payments made for pre operative tests requested by the Surgeon in the event that the surgery is cancelled.

  1. IV) Should a patient who has secured a loan with an IFC for treatment at Elanic, choose to cancel the loan & surgery, cancellation fees in line with Section 7.1, above shall apply.


  1. I) For up to 12 months after treatment, if Elanic and your Consultant agree, as per Section 1.13, that further surgery is necessary to achieve satisfactory results all surgical and hospital fees will be provided free of charge. If your care was provided at Elanic clinic and subsequent procedures are required to be provided at a Private Hospital, then there may be additional hospital fees to pay, but the surgical charge will remain free.  If however Elanic and your Consultant feel that the results are acceptable within normal limits of surgery, or there are associated risks and conditions with the surgical procedure undertaken, or if the patient is non-compliant with the 

post-operative advice given, then additional surgery costs would be incurred fully by the patient.


  1. I) In the event that a patient is not happy with the outcome of their treatment, Elanic will not be responsible for any costs for consultations, blood tests, any other investigations or revision surgery, unless these costs have been explicitly agreed and approved by Elanic in advance.
  2. II) If the results of your procedure do not meet the expectations of your Surgeon a revision procedure may be offered free of charge(in agreement with Elanic Clinical Manager). If the result of your procedure meets the expectations of your Surgeon then no free of charge revision will be offered. Further surgery may be considered by your Surgeon but this is chargeable at Elanic’s standard rates.

III) Requests for revision surgery are made by your treating surgeon to Elanic following a review appointment. This should be notified to Elanic within 6 months of the procedure date and the Revision procedure should be completed within 12 months unless there is a medical reason to delay it further.

  1. IV) If in the opinion of the Consultant a revision procedure is recommended then a further opinion may be required and Elanic reserve the right to decide whether a revision procedure is merited. Additional fees may apply. 

  1. I) For up to 12 months after treatment, if Elanic and your Consultant agree, as per Section 1.13, that further surgery is necessary to achieve satisfactory results all surgical and hospital fees will be provided free of charge. If your care was provided at Elanic clinic and subsequent procedures are required to be provided at a Private Hospital, then there may be additional hospital fees to pay, but the surgical charge will remain free. If however Elanic and your Consultant feel that the results are acceptable within normal limits of surgery, or there are associated risks and conditions with the surgical procedure undertaken, or if the patient is non-compliant with the 

post-operative advice given, then additional surgery costs would be incurred fully by the patient.


  1. I) Elanic offers all patients access to appointments with a Nurse or Consultant at any stage post operatively for 1 year or as defined in the package originally chosen by the patient. Follow up appointments after 1 year following surgery are charged at £50 per appointment. 
  2. II) The patient agrees to attend appointments after surgery as requested, and to reasonably comply with the professional advice provided by the Consultant or other specialist clinical staff, and acknowledges that Elanic cannot be held responsible for any consequences of the patient failing to comply with the advice given. 

III) If the patient does not attend a follow up appointment without giving 48 hours advance notice, a £75 charge may be incurred. Further appointments will be frozen until this is paid. 

  1. IV) All patients are required to adhere to their specific aftercare advise. Failure to follow your post operative guidance may impact your result.  You will be financially responsible for post operative care and revision procedures that may be required if you do not follow your post operative guidance.

  1. IV) Elanic reserves the right to amend or alter the content of the package of care without prior notice in light of healthcare trends or emerging best practice models. Such changes will have no effect on existing patients, unless the proposals are medically proven to optimise health and well-being.
  2. V) As part of the consultation and pre assessment process patients are required to disclose their full medical history and answer all questions honestly. Failure to disclose or withhold information invalidates your aftercare package and you may be financially responsible for all post operative care and any revisional procedures. It is the responsibility of the patient to inform the clinic of any changes to their medical history or social circumstances immediately. It is important your Healthcare Professional is able to complete a full assessment of your suitability for treatment. This can only be achieved by thorough and accurate information being provided by the patient.


  1. I) Elanic will manage any complaint raised against your Surgeon in relation to treatment undertaken at Elanic. Your care and outcome of treatment remain the responsibility of your Surgeon. You should seek Independent Legal advice if you claim your surgeon has been negligent. 
  2. II) If a patient has a complaint regarding an aspect of their treatment whilst at Elanic, the patient should contact the Clinic Manager at Elanic in the first instance, who will be able to advise of the actions to take, as per Elanic’s complaint procedure. 

III) In the event that a “local” resolution of the complaint is not achieved and the complainant is still dissatisfied they can request that their complaint is escalated to the Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service (ISCAS). All details can be found in the Elanic complaints procedure. Patients also have the right to complain about any aspect of their care to Health Improvement Scotland.

  1. IV) In line with our Complaints Policy Elanic are required to share information with Elanic Insurance in the event that a Complaint or Request for Medical Records has been requested.


  1. I) Elanic complies with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018. 
  2. II) The patient confirms his/her consent to the disclosure of personal information by Elanic to the Consultants, nurses and any other clinical staff for the purpose of treating the patient.

III) In the event of an emergency Elanic may be required to share your Medical History with other Healthcare professionals. 


  1. I) Elanic does not accept responsibility for any cash or valuables whilst on Elanic’s premises, or at any 3rd party provider’s premises such as the operating hospital. Patients should endeavour not to bring valuable items with them to Elanic Clinic or Private Hospitals and if they do, they should ensure that all personal belongings are fully insured.
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